This place is home to various journals published by the Sunan Doe Institute of Islamic Studies. This journal was founded in 2022 which initially consisted of eight journals.


  • Journal of Multidisciplinary Science

    Journal Title
    : PREVENIRE: Journal of Multidisciplinary Science
    : 2961-8959 (print) | 2961-8940 (online)
    DOI Prefix
    : Prefix 10.58330/prevenire by Crossref 
    Editor in Chief
    Managing Editor Rahimal Khair
    Publisher : LPPM Insititut Studi Islam Sunan Doe
    In Collaboration with
    : 6 issues per year (bimonthly)
    Citation Analysis
    1-3 Days 3-6 weeks 1-2 weeks
     Submission to first decision Peer-review speed (Regular) Peer-review speed (Fast track)

    PREVENIRE: Journal of Multidisciplinary Science [P-ISSN 2961-8959 dan E-ISSN 2961-8940], is a peer-reviewed journal (single-blind review) published by the research and community service institute of the Sunan Doe Institute of Islamic Studies. The journal aims to disseminate significant research findings in the field of multidisciplinary applied science. We invite original research paper and conceptual research articles with novel perspectives and/or methodological approaches that provide critical insights and innovative ideas. PREVENIRE is dedicated to serving researchers, developers, professionals, graduate students, and others interested in state-of-the-art research activities in the areas of social science and humanities. PREVENIRE publishes 6 editions a year in February, April, June, August, October and December (Unless there is co-publication with conference organizers).
  • Khidmatuna: Journal of Research and Community Service

    Journal Title
    : Journal of Research and Community Service
    : 2964-4445
    DOI Prefix
    : Prefix 10.58330/khidmatuna by Crossref 
    Editor in Chief
    Managing Editor : Raudhatul Jannah
    Publisher : Insititut Studi Islam Sunan Doe
    In Collaboration with
    : -
    : 2 issues per year (Jan-May and June-Nov)
    Citation Analysis

    Khidmatuna: Journal of Research and Community Service, [e-ISSN 2964-4445] publishes scientific papers on research and community service with various research focuses. In addition, this journal also covers issues related to community development, the environment & community life. This journal will constantly innovate and improve to improve the quality and quality of literacy in Indonesia.

    Khidmatuna journal can only be accessed through our official web page, apart from this website, beyond our responsibility. This journal publishes a minimum of 5 articles

    This journal has been indexed in Google Scholar, Crossreff, Base, IJSD, ROAD.


      Journal title : INOVASIA
    Abbreviation : Inv.
    ISSN : 2963-2617 (e) | 2964-9420 (p)
    DOI Prefix : 10.58330/inovasia
    Type of peer-review : Single-blind  
    Indexing : Google Scholar and view more  
    Frequency : 2 issues/year (April, Sept)
    Business model : OA, Author-Pays  
    Journal History : See Journal history  
    Citation analysis : | Google Scholar | Dimensions |
    Journal cover: get here
    1 weeks 4-8 weeks
    Submission to first decision Peer-review speed

    INOVASIA (P-ISSN 2964-9420 | E-ISSN 2963-2617) is a peer-reviewed open access journal established for the dissemination of cutting-edge knowledge in the field of theory and application of natural sciences to everyday life. This journal is not only limited to the application of pure natural sciences but also fields that intersect in it such as: 1) educational science, 2) engineering, and 3) applied environment.

    INOVASIA is an open access journal containing original research articles, review articles, and brief communications in fields related to applied natural sciences. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed first by the editor and then evaluated by a minimum of two reviewers through a single-blind review process. This is to ensure the quality of the manuscripts published in the journal. INOVASIA publishes 2 issues every year (April and September).

  • Pesantren Reviews

    Journal Title
    : Pesantren Reviews
    : 2964-4453
    DOI Prefix
    : Prefix 10.58330/PR by Crossref 
    Editor in Chief
    Managing Editor Rahimal Khair
    Publisher : Insititut Studi Islam Sunan Doe
    In Collaboration with
    : Yayasan Darussalam Al-Kubro   and
      Ikatan Pesantren Indonesia  
    : 2 issues per year (January and July)
    Citation Analysis
    Index Copernicus| Garuda | Google Scholar

    Pesantren Reviews [E-ISSN 2964-4453], is a peer-reviewed journal (Single-blind review) published by the Sunan Doe Institute for Research and Community Service. Pesantren Review (PR) provides a scientific forum for publishing conceptual, theoretical and empirical research aimed at advancing understanding of the world of Islamic boarding school education worldwide. PR publishes insightful articles discussing issues at community interfaces and reviews on education in Islamic boarding schools. It is not tied to any particular discipline, method, or topic.

    Published in 2022, Pesantren Reviews is a reference journal on various indexers dedicated to exploring education dynamics in Islamic boarding schools and money issues related to religion in society. Its interdisciplinary forum captures professional insights from accounting, behavioural science, entrepreneurship, finance, management, education, social issues, science, technology, and humanities. The Pesantren Reviews is published in 2 issues a year in January and July.

  • Journal of Social and Political Science Society

    Journal Title
    : Journal of Social and Political Science Society
    : 2964-4755
    DOI Prefix
    : Prefix 10.58330/society by Crossref 
    Editor in Chief
    : M Zainuddin
    Managing Editor : Maulinda
    Publisher : Institut Studi Islam Sunan Doe
    In Collaboration with   
    : -
    : 2 issues per year (June and November)
    Citation Analysis
    : Index Copernicus| Garuda | Google Scholar

    Journal of Social and Political Science Society [E-ISSN 2964-4755] is an open-access and peer-reviewed journal. Our main goal is to disseminate current and original articles from researchers and practitioners on various social education, social science and political society issues. The society publishes two issues every year, namely in June and November.

  • Manganite | Journal of Chemistry and Education

    Journal Title
    : Manganite | Journal of Chemistry and Education
    : 2964-4046
    DOI Prefix
    : Prefix 10.58330/manganite by Crossref 
    Editor in Chief
    Managing Editor : Ricky Arista
    Publisher : Chemistry Education Study Program 
    In Collaboration with   
    : -
    : 2 issues per year (July and December)
    Citation Analysis

    Manganite | Journal of Chemistry and Education is a journal published by the Tadris Chemistry Study Program, Sunan Doe Institute of Islamic Studies. Manganite is published as a means of scientific communication for the academic community in the study of chemistry and Chemistry education. Manganite accepts articles from educators, observers, chemistry researchers, and chemical educators for publication after rigorous selection, peer review, and serious editing. 

    This journal provides direct open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

  • INGGARA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Arab

    INGGARA [E-ISSN 2963-9409, P-ISSN 2963-9417] is one of the accredited English and Arabic Education as well as Applied Tourism Science journals published by Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training of Institut Studi Islam Sunan Doe in cooperation with English and Arabic Study Program of Institut Studi Islam Sunan Doe. This journal publishes research articles examining foreign languages (English and Arabic) and applied tourism science as the main objects. INGGARA welcomes scientific articles of research or theoretical studies from academics, researchers, graduate students and policymakers. All articles can be in English, Arabic, or Indonesian. This Journal is published three times in a year, which is on January, Mei and September. INGGARA truly maintains quality and research ethics. All submitted articles shall never be published elsewhere and not under consideration for other publications. Every article submitted will be reviewed by experts during 6 weeks. Therefore, the announcement of article received to be published in INGGARA Journal will be announced at least 2 months after the article is submitted. We truly notice plagiarism and the originality of the article.

    We, therefore, invite authors, students (undergraduate, magister, doctoral), teachers, lecturers, practitioners, and observers of English and Arabic Education as well as Applied Tourism Science to publish their manuscripts in the INGGARA Journal. Please kindly see the Author Guidelines and use the article template in writing your manuscripts before submission to INGGARA Journal.

  • Journal of Risk And Financial Management Shariah

    Journal TItle
    : J-MARKS (Journal of Risk and Financial Management Shariah )
    : 2964-4542
    DOI Prefix
    : Prefix 10.58330/jmarks by Crossref 
    Editor In Chief
    Section Editor : Sab'ul Masani
    Published by : LPPM Insititut Studi Islam Sunan Doe
    In Collaboration with 
    : -
    Frequency Publication  
    : 2 Issues Every Year (Mei and November)
    Indeks Jurnal
    : Index Copernicus | Garuda | Google Scholar

    Profit: Jurnal Ekonomi Keuangan dan Perbankan Syari'ah is a peer-reviewed and open-access journal on risk management and finance sharia. This journal is published twice a year online by the Islamic Banking Study Program of LPPM Institute of Islamic Studies Sunan Doe (valid from 2023), the Sunan Doe Institute of Islamic Studies. This journal can be free for various agencies that want to be affiliated.

  • Experimental Student Experiences

    Journal Title
    : Experimental Student Experiences
    : 2985-3877
    DOI Prefix
    : Prefix 10.58330/ESE by Crossref 
    Editor in Chief
    Managing Editor : Febriana Syifa'unnufus
    Publisher : LPPM Insititut Studi Islam Sunan Doe
    In Collaboration with
    : Ikatan Pesantren Indonesia  
    : Biannually
    Citation Analysis
    : Index Copernicus| Garuda | Google Scholar
    1-3 Days 3-6 weeks 1-2 weeks
     Submission to the first decision Peer-review speed (Regular) Peer-review speed (Fast track)

    Experimental Student Experiences [E-ISSN 2985-3877], is a high-quality open access peer-reviewed (Open and Single Blind Review) research journal published by Institute for Research and Community Service, the Sunan Doe Institute of Islamic Studies. It focuses on applied research in the areas of social sciences, linguistics, and education. ESE welcomes original empirical research articles with innovative perspectives and methodologies that appeal to an international readership. The journal also accepts unsolicited conceptual and theoretical papers with critical thinking, and it aims to serve researchers, professionals, and graduate students interested in state-of-the-art research activities in these fields. Experimental Student Experience publishes biannually, in June & December.