About the Journal

Journal Title
: Experimental Student Experiences
: 2985-3877
DOI Prefix
: Prefix 10.58330/ESE by Crossref 
Editor in Chief
Managing Editor : Febriana Syifa'unnufus
Publisher : LPPM Insititut Studi Islam Sunan Doe
In Collaboration with
: Ikatan Pesantren Indonesia  
: Biannually
Citation Analysis
: Index Copernicus| Garuda | Google Scholar
1-3 Days 3-6 weeks 1-2 weeks
 Submission to the first decision Peer-review speed (Regular) Peer-review speed (Fast track)

Experimental Student Experiences [E-ISSN 2985-3877], is a high-quality open access peer-reviewed (Open and Single Blind Review) research journal published by Institute for Research and Community Service, the Sunan Doe Institute of Islamic Studies. It focuses on applied research in the areas of social sciences, linguistics, and education. ESE welcomes original empirical research articles with innovative perspectives and methodologies that appeal to an international readership. The journal also accepts unsolicited conceptual and theoretical papers with critical thinking, and it aims to serve researchers, professionals, and graduate students interested in state-of-the-art research activities in these fields. Experimental Student Experience publishes biannually, in June & December.

Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 9 (2023): September (In Press)
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