Focus and Scope

Pesantren Reviews focuses on publishing high-quality manuscripts generated from research projects related to the following topics:

  1. Islamic Boarding School Education:

    • Teaching methods and pedagogical approaches in Islamic boarding schools.
    • Curriculum development and innovation in Islamic boarding school education.
    • Evaluation and assessment practices in Islamic boarding schools.
    • Educational technology and digital learning in Islamic boarding schools.
    • Teacher training and professional development in Islamic boarding schools.
  2. Dynamics of Pesantren:

    • The role of pesantren in society and community development.
    • Social and cultural dynamics within pesantren.
    • Challenges and opportunities for pesantren in the modern era.
    • Gender issues and inclusivity in pesantren education.
    • Interactions between pesantren and the wider educational ecosystem.
  3. Islamic Studies:

    • Quranic studies, interpretation, and exegesis.
    • Hadith studies and prophetic traditions.
    • Islamic theology and philosophy.
    • Islamic jurisprudence (Fiqh) and legal principles.
    • Islamic history and civilization.
  4. Financial and Religious Issues:

    • Zakat, wakaf, and Islamic charitable practices.
    • Islamic finance and economic systems.
    • Management of financial resources in pesantren.
    • Socio-economic impacts of religious practices in society.
    • Intersections between religion and money in Islamic boarding schools.
  5. Interdisciplinary Perspectives:

    • Contributions from accounting, behavioral sciences, entrepreneurship, finance, management, education, social sciences, natural sciences, technology, and humanities related to the field of Islamic boarding school education and Islamic studies.

Pesantren Reviews aims to provide a scholarly platform for researchers, practitioners, and stakeholders to advance the understanding of Islamic boarding school education and the broader study of Islam. The journal welcomes original research articles, conceptual papers, literature reviews, and empirical studies that contribute to the knowledge and development of the field.