Author Guidelines
Peer Review Process
Focus and Scope
Journal History
Editorial Team
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Abstracting & Indexing
Journal Statistics
Article Processing Charge
Journal Template
Article Readiness Level Testing
Allegations of Misconduct
In cases of suspected misconduct, the Editors and Editorial Board of Experimental Student Experiences (ESE) will use the best practices of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) to assist them in resolving complaints and addressing misconduct fairly.
Types of Misconduct
Misconduct can take various forms, including but not limited to:
Plagiarism: Presenting someone else's work, ideas, or words as one's own without proper attribution.
Data Fabrication or Falsification: Manipulating research data or results to create false or misleading information.
Duplicate Submission: Submitting the same manuscript to multiple journals simultaneously without proper notification or approval.
Authorship Issues: Improperly assigning authorship or excluding deserving authors from the manuscript.
Conflict of Interest: Failure to disclose conflicts of interest that may influence the research or its outcomes.
Ethical Violations: Breaching ethical guidelines, such as human or animal subjects' rights or informed consent.
Reporting Allegations
Authors, reviewers, readers, and other stakeholders are encouraged to report any allegations of misconduct related to articles published in ESE. Allegations should be sent to the journal's Editorial Office at
Investigation Process
Upon receipt of an allegation, ESE will initiate a thorough investigation using the best practices of COPE to ensure a fair and unbiased process. The Editorial Board may seek advice from external experts if necessary.
Confidentiality and Anonymity
ESE will treat all allegations of misconduct with strict confidentiality. All parties involved in the investigation process will be expected to maintain anonymity, where applicable, to protect the privacy and reputation of all parties involved.
Corrective Actions
If misconduct is proven, appropriate corrective actions will be taken based on the severity of the misconduct. These actions may include:
- Retraction of the article
- Publication of an editorial expression of concern
- Issuing a formal correction or erratum
- Notifying relevant institutions or authorities
False Allegations
ESE will also address false or malicious allegations of misconduct. Any individual found to be making false allegations may be subject to sanctions.
Contact Information
For any inquiries or concerns related to allegations of misconduct, please contact us at:
Email: Website:
Last Updated: 13 December 2022